Your certified guide to

Stepping into your power

What is Inner Child Work?

The unconscious mind is the deepest layer of our psyche that most talk therapies do not access, making this a holistic approach to therapy. The unconscious is the hidden aspects of ourselves. These aspects include things surrounding, limiting beliefs and traumas that we feel will be deeply rejected within the psyche hence, causing an imbalance within our minds, bodies and spirits. The unconscious mind is what the brain has hidden away and suppressed from the psyche.

There are many reasons why an individual may store memories within the unconcious. Some being negative emotions surrounding an experiences’ such as, shame, guilt, anger and sadness. It can also be that they experiences severe physical and mental pain, that the mind may have deemed as traumatic and was too much to handle consciously, or it could also be that it doesn't fit the narrative that family, media or society has projected onto them. Lastly, there are other times where information just finds its way there randomly.

70% of our brains neural pathways are formed and shape our behaviours by the time we are 7 years old, according to world renowned neural biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton. As an inner child practitioner, I facilitate the unravelling of trapped memories stored in both the subconscious and unconscious mind that have caused “Big T” and thousands of “Little T” traumas swarming individuals’ minds weighing them down. Common “Big T” traumas are typically the obvious types of traumas such as, the death of a loved one, physical/sexual abuse, a car accident, etc… whereas “Little T” traumas are not as obvious, and affect everyone differently based on their lived experiences and soul’s blueprint such as, being told by a grandmother that they are getting too fat, being sat out by a coach as they were told that they weren’t good enough, and/or being told by a friend when they were in third grade that they don’t want to be their friend anymore, etc…. ultimately keeping individuals thinking negative and weighing them down by keeping them stuck.

Through inner child work we examine individuals’ “Big T” and “Little T” traumas through dissecting and making sense of the attachment style and world views that were formed in early childhood and past lives through lived environments. This piggy backs off of world renown British psychologist John Bowlby attachment theory which states, our early environments are the greatest predictor and outcome of how we form relationships in adulthood with others.

Why is Inner Child Work Important?

If individuals do not begin to unravel suppressed memories through their unconscious mind, it can potentially overtime become disruptive. This can lead to the unconscious trickling out into individuals daily lives through….

  • Mental health conditions (eg. depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc.)

  • Chronic pain (eg. headaches/migraines, TMJ disorder, body aches/pains, etc.)

  • Illnesses (eg. irritable bowl syndrome and other gut issues, prone to colds/flues, etc.)

  • Syndromes and disorders (eg. cancer, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, etc.)

Benefits of Inner Child Work

  • Rewiring the brains neural pathways to remove blocks surrounding automatic and limiting beliefs.

  • Healing the physiology and energetic body to create better moods, emotional reactions, and manifestation.

  • Forming healthy relationships with loved ones (spouse, siblings, parents, children, coworkers) ultimately ending intergenerational trauma.

  • Lessening symptoms of mental health, chronic pain, illnesses, syndromes and disorders.

  • Connecting and strengthening intuition with support from own spirit guides.

  • Good introduction for those beginning their healing journey.

  • Beneficial for those who have already experienced alternative holistic healing modalities.

  • Aligning with souls purpose.


My experience with Angela has been one that I never would have expected but in the best way. The type of work that she is doing will change everything. In my inner child session, I was able to access the traumas that I have been living with so easily with her support and healing energy and patience, I was able to release it all in a matter of minutes. In the life purpose session, I was so surprised with what came up for me and how clear it was. I highly recommend Angela for inner child/shadow work if you are in your healing journey or are looking for somewhere to start.
— Bronte, M.
I felt safe journeying into my shadow with Angela gently guiding me with certain visual prompts to work through some of the harder traumas that have been stored in my subconscious. I feel lighter in my body for having worked through the weight those memories held and I feel supported by the deities who walked with me during that journey into my subconscious mind. I’m very grateful for the experience to work with her and recommend it to anyone looking for a quality and helpful shadow work session
— Mystique, M.
I am extremely grateful to have had the chance to do our first session together today. The session today was very powerful and very moving! For a beginner to shadow work, our work today was an amazing start to my journey! I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to relax enough during my session, as I am fairly new to meditating in general. Your ability to help guide my session was astounding! During our session, I was able to learn that I have inner childhood trauma from a past life in the 1920’s which has effected my subconscious feedback loop today. My session today has shown me that my fear of abandonment has settled its tension in areas in my body that needed attention. By listening to my spiritual ancestor and with your guidance, I was able to energetically heal these wounds. By the end of the session, I was able to recognize a safe place to set aside these emotions and make room for healing. In the end, I stated that my body literally felt as though I had just experienced a full body massage and that I had been in a state of immense relaxation! I cannot say enough about my experience with Angela and the shadow work performed today! I know the Universe has put Angela in my path for many reasons!”      
— Jamie, O.
I had my first shadow session with Angela recently and it was a very pleasant experience. Not having any expectations going into it or knowing much about the process, I can say that it had me feeling intrigued to learn more about myself. I’m excited to truly start listening to my inner voice and trust my intuition with the help of my guides. Angela was very gentle during this intimate session, she made me feel safe and comfortable at all times. I look forward to where this journey of self discovery will lead me. Thank you for the introduction to shadow work and your professional insight.
— Lana, R.
Angela did a professional job with my shadow work. Angela walked me through what to expect and was patient with a first timer. I was able to tap into my spirit guide and move through the exercise with comparative ease due to Angela’s patience and compassion
— Tammy, E.
Angela made me feel instantly at ease. In our first session she guided me through uncovering and healing an event in my past. She has strong intuitive gifts and I highly recommend working with her.
— Kay, M.
Let me start off by saying I am not one to meditate at least not in your typical sense for me it is very much within nature versus quietness cuz I can never seem to quiet my mind. I was very interested to sit with Angela to look into my past lives, if any, and in doing so, I had to meditate. Not that I was skeptical, but | was doubtful in myself, however with Angela’s guidance and voice you almost become hypnotized into meditation and what | was able to see was absolutely incredible! It has given me a different view of meditation, it’s given me strength and courage in knowing that I am capable of it. What amazed me even moreso is what | discovered about my past lives, what I would need to overcome to better my current. I really want to thank Angela for this amazing experience and definitely would encourage anybody and everybody, skeptics included, to just sit with Angela and have her do her work. You will see what I mean, she’ll make you a believer, you will see and feel for yourself that what she says and what she teaches is truth and real. Once again thank you so much Angela, it was greatly appreciated - I will never forget it!
— Stefania, P.