Angela Reda

Angela is a wife, mother, child development specialist educator, intuitive empath and healer. Angela’s purpose is to help individuals heal through inner child work.

Angela came to this line of work after her many years of misdiagnosis’s and distress due to multiple unrecognized childhood traumas. In December 2020, while learning about social injustices that struck Angela to her core as a mature student in the Masters of Teaching program with University of Toronto (OISE), and losing her grandmother who was like a second mother to her, Angela began to question the true meaning and purpose of her life. During this time, Angela began searching for something deeper to get to the root cause of her own negative thoughts, and behaviours that were keeping her stuck in the same cyclical patterns and routines. It was through multiple holistic healing modality programs connected to the mind and body, Angela was able to drastically shift her mindset and behaviours, get off her anxiety/anti depressant medication, find out she was a healer, and find her passion for Inner Child Work. Angela became a certified trauma informed Inner Child Work Practitioner in December 2022 and has since took to helping others like her to seek the shifts and transformations through finding their power within.